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Audiology and Speech Language Pathology

Conferences and Workshops

New Education Policy (Draft), 2019 and Children With Disabilities

New Education Policy (Draft), 2019 and Children With Disabilities

Ali Yavar Jung National Institute of Speech and Hearing Disabilities (Divyangjan) [AYJNISHD(D)], Mumbai in collaboration with School of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) [SASLP, BV(DU)], Pune organised a state level conference on the National Education Policy (NEP) (Draft), 2019 and Children with Disabilities on the 16th of August, 2019.

The conference was conducted at Bharati Medical College Auditorium, Pune. The conference was inaugurated by Hon. Dr. Prabodh Seth, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment of the Government of India in the august presence of Hon. Mrs. Vijayamala Kadam, Chairperson, School Committee, Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune and Dr. Manikrao Salunkhe, Vice Chancellor, BV(DU), who also served as resource persons for the conference. Dr. Asmita Jagtap, Executive Director, Bharati Hospital and Research Center, Pune; Dr. Mani, Principal, Bharati Medical College, Pune also graced the occasion. Dr. Suni Mathew, Director, AYJNISHD(D), Mumbai welcomed the gathering and briefed about the purpose of the conference . Dr. C.S. Vanaja, Professor and Head of the Department, BV(DU) School of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology proposed vote of thanks. A total number of 285 delegates including special educators, social workers as well as audiologists and speech language pathologists from all over Maharashtra attended the conference.

MISHACON (5th regional conference of Maharashtra Chapter of Indian Speech and Hearing Association)

MISHACON (5th regional conference of Maharashtra Chapter of Indian Speech and Hearing Association)

MISHACON 2013 was hosted by School of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology on 7th and 8th of December 2013. The topics of the conference were “Revealing the mysteries of Vertigo” on the 7th of December and “Mosaic of Learning Disabilities” on the 8th of December. The conference was attended by over 120 practicing professionals and post graduate students. The conference aimed at giving multidisciplinary view to the assessment and management aspects of both the above disorders. Eminent personalities from allied fields such as ENT surgeons, Paediatricians, Physiotherapists, Occupational therapists, Psychologists and Special Educators shared platform along with Audiologists and Speech Pathologist and shared their knowledge and expertise.

Voice Culture

Voice Culture

Bharathi Vidyapeeth School of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology organised a Seminar for Professional Voice Users on 15th September, 2015 at Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical College auditorium. The topic of the Seminar was “Voice Culture for Vocal Performers”. The conference was attended by 68 professional voice users from different professions and post graduate students of SASLP. The conference aimed at giving multidisciplinary view to the assessment and management aspects of Professional voice disorders.

Orientation on aural rehabilitation

Orientation on aural rehabilitation

The cochlear implant unit of BVDU SASLP conducts orientation programme once in every two months for the parents of children with hearing Impairment undergoing aural rehabilitation at the department. On 13 June 2017 the programme was conducted only for the parents of children who have got implanted under ADIP scheme 2017 for 3 hours.  Parents were encouraged to discus about any problem related to the Surgery, Mapping, Device, Therapy and Overall progress of their children. The parents who are irregular for therapy were counseled and encouraged to attend therapy regularly. The feedback was taken from all the parents.  Parents benefited from the information given in the programme.

Use of FM System for the children with hearing impairment

Use of FM System for the children with hearing impairment

BVDU, SASLP organized a workshop on ‘Use of FM System for the Children with Hearing Impairment’ on 12th August 2017. Orientation was given to parents about the use and functioning of FM system and one to one demonstration was done. Practical doubts of parents regarding FM system which were solved in the session. A workshop was conducted at SASLP where Mr. Richard Rodrigues, Recipient services manager, Cochlear India pvt. Ltd., delivered a lecture and guided parents of children with CI on Care and maintenance of Cochlear Implant in an open discussion on 9/2/2018. Along with parents, third year and second year Masters Students also attended the workshop.

Orientation on assessment and management of children with hearing impairment

Orientation on assessment and management of children with hearing impairment

An Orientation program for B.Ed. (sp.ed.) students from Pandurang Shamrao Mulgaonkar Vishesh Shikshan Adhyapak Mahavidyalay, was conducted on 22nd August 2017 at SASLP  where the procedures for carrying out the assessment and management of children with hearing impairment was demonstrated as a part of orientation to the procedures in audiology

Assessment of vestibular system

Assessment of vestibular system

A five days, RCI-CRE short training Programme on “Assessment of Vestibular system’ was organised by BV (DU) SASLP from 29th September to 1st October, 2017, at medical auditorium, Bharati Medical College. About 25 professionals from India and 60 PG students from different colleges across Maharashtra attended this training programme. The programme aimed at providing hands-on training of performing various clinical test procedures used for diagnosing individuals with different vestibular disorders.

Cognition & communication for clinicians: Exploring interwoven circuitry

Cognition & communication for clinicians: Exploring interwoven circuitry

BharathiVidyapeeth School of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology in collaboration of Indian academy of Neurology, Indian Federation of Neuro Rehabilitation, Jagruti and Indian Speech and Hearing Association held the RCI CRE workshop on 31stMarch and 1stApril, 2018 at BharatiVidyapeeth Medical College Auditorium, Pune India. This interdisciplinary workshop focused on interwoven roles of neurorehabilitation professionals and current best practices in assessment of Neurocognitive Communication disorders and neurorehabilitation in India. Workshop aimed at upgrading the knowledge of the professionals on current trends in assessment and intervention of cognitive communication disorders to the Neurorehabilitation team. It also aimed to increase understanding of roles of different professionals involved in neurorehabilitation (Neurologists, speech language pathologists, Psychologists, and Psychiatrist). The workshop aimed to empower neurorehabilitation professionals in addressing obstacles faced in Cognitive communicative neurorehabilitation through interdisciplinary team approach & practical case discussions by finding out synergistic solution within capabilities and constraints of the team. The delegates comprised of speech language pathologist, psychologists, Linguists, psychiatrists and neurologists representing an interdisciplinary team

Recent advances in cochlear implant & advanced bionics technology

Recent advances in cochlear implant & advanced bionics technology

Advanced bionics conducted a one day workshop on Recent advances in cochlear implant & advanced bionics technology at Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) School of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology. This program was conducted on 4th April, 2018. The workshop was focused on updating clinician’s knowledge on current trends in cochlear implant & overview of current technology used by advanced bionics. It was an interesting, informative & interactive session along with quiz for students.

Auditory Verbal Therapy

Auditory Verbal Therapy

BVDU, SASLP organised a workshop on ‘Auditory Verbal Therapy’ for parents of children with hearing impairment on 21th April 2018. Parents demonstrated the auditory verbal therapy session in the workshop and shared their experience with the audience. Therapists help parents to clear their doubts & questions related to the topic and shared their views.

Auditory signal processing and MATLAB programming

Auditory signal processing and MATLAB programming

A state level workshop titled ‘Auditory signal processing and MATLAB programming’ was conducted by PICT, Pune in collaboration with BVDU, SASLP from 4th to 6th October 2018. Faculty from SASLP delivered invited lecture and conducted demonstration session. It involved demonstration of clinical measurement tools and techniques in audiology as well as speech language pathology. Delegates of the workshop involved faculty from various renowned engineering colleges, representative and heads of different companies, students of various engineering colleges. The details of presentation topics by faculty of workshop were :

  • Anatomy of peripheral and central auditory system, Signal processing in outer, middle and inner ear, ABR by Dr. Sharda Sarda (Assoc. Prof.), BVDU, SASLP, Pune
  • Importance of speech production mechanism, Implication and disorders related to speech production by Ms. Rohini Chand-Mall (Asst. Prof –SLP), BVDU, SASLP, Pune
  • Technology involved behind various clinical tools used in assessment and management of hearing disorders, existing problems and solution to be sleeked, Dr. C. S. Vanaja (Prof. & HOD), BVDU, SASLP, Pune
  • Demo of Clinical Measurement Tools and Techniques in Audiology by Dr. C. S. Vanaja (Prof. & HOD), BVDU, SASLP, Pune & Dr. Sharda Sarda (Assoc. Prof.), BVDU, SASLP, Pune
  • Demo of Clinical Measurement Tools and Techniques in Audiology by Ms. Rohini Chand Mall, (Asst. Prof –SLP), BVDU, SASLP, Pune

Augmentative and alternative communication for children with communication disorders

Augmentative and alternative communication for children with communication disorders

School of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology organized a 3 day seminar between 19th and 21st November 2018, on ‘Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Children with Communication Disorders’ for upgradation and dissemination of information on Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)for children. The seminar aimed at imparting knowledge on AAC to Speech language Pathologists working with children with communication disorders and students of Speech language Pathology. With the recent information on various AAC options available with evidence to support their usefulness, the clinicians can implement these options in their clinical practice, thereby improving the communication of children with communication disorders. This will help in enhancing the language skills of the children, and also lead to better social participation, educational opportunities and occupational options.

All the resource persons of the seminar are known for their passion and work with children with communication disorders. It was our privilege to have them share their knowledge and experience with the students and practicing Speech language pathologists. Actual pictures and video demonstrations werethe highlights of the seminar. The presentations included Webcast presentation by Ms. Deepika Rao from Dubai and Ms. AkankshaChitnis- Gupte from Bangalore. Display and sale of material used for Picture exchange communication system (PECS) was appreciated by many delegates and students. Demonstration of the two AAC high tech systems, ‘AVAZ” and ‘JELLOW” in a single seminar helped the delegates understand the similarities and differences between the two systems. This would benefit them in their prescription to the children who need them.

(Re)MATLAB theory to practice: application in hearing, speech and language sciences

(Re)MATLAB theory to practice: application in hearing, speech and language sciences

A two-day RCI-approved CRE was conducted by Maharashtra branch of IndianSpeech and Hearing association (MISHA) and BharatiVidyapeeth Deemed to be University (BVDU), School of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology (SASLP) on 4th  and 5th January 2019 at Bharati hospital and research centre, pune. The CRE titled “(Re) Habilitation Options and Assessment Protocolfor Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children” was attended by 52 delegates (37ASLP and 15 Teachers of the Deaf) and 12 post graduate students from BV (DU) School of Audiology and SpeechLanguage Pathology. It was active participation from all and healthyinteraction towards achieving meaningful goals. All the talks were informativeand were well appreciated by the delegates.

MATLAB theory to practice: application in hearing, speech and language sciences

MATLAB theory to practice: application in hearing, speech and language sciences

Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University School of Audiology and Speech Language Pathologyorganized a National level RCI CRE titled ‘MATLAB Theory to Practice: Application inHearing, Speech and Language Sciences’ in collaboration with Pune Institute of Computer Technology from 8th to 12th April, 2019. Participants for this workshop included 52 delegates from academics,research scholars, and private practitioners from different parts of thecountry. Delegates had the option ofattending workshop for either 2 days (Basic Level) or 5 days (Advanced Level). Workshop was focused empowering ASLPs in generation and manipulation of acoustic stimuliusing MATLAB which are helpful for developing various tools assessment and management of speech, language and hearing disorders. Basic level of CRE (first two days) included interactivelectures by experts related to basics of signal processing, the need for ASLPs to learn aboutgeneration and manipulation of acoustic stimuli and basics of writing programs using MATLAB. Advanced level of CRE (later 3 days) imparted advanced training on generation of codes fordevelopment of new tools useful for assessment and management of hearing, speech andlanguage disorders.

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