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Audiology and Speech Language Pathology

Doctoral and Dissertation Research

Doctoral Research

Year Topic Student Guide
2017 Auditory Temporal Processing & Visual Processing in Children with Deficits in Reading Namita Joshi Dr. C.S. Vanaja
2017 Audio vestibular profile and quality of life in person with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo Sharda Sarda Dr. C.S. Vanaja
2019 Acoustics and perceptual Analysis of Speech in Individuals with Dysarthria Rohini Chand Mall Dr. C.S. Vanaja
2018 Comparative study of phonological awareness in Marathi of typically developing children and children with operated cleft lip and palate Aarti Waknis Dr. C.S. Vanaja
2019 Spoken language processing in children with and without risk for CAPD: A comparative study Piyush Sone Dr. C.S. Vanaja

Dissertation Research 2019

Dissertation Research 2019

Topic Student Guide/co-guide
Usefulness of in-situ audiometry in hearing aid fitting in individuals with sensorineural hearing loss. Mr.AdityaVinayakChopade Mrs. PrajaktaNalat
Quality of life due to dysphagia following head & neck cancers Ms.ZainabAliasgerSojar Mrs. MansiJagtap
Impact of performance task on vocal characteristics in voice over artists Ms.PoornimaVinayak Joshi Mrs. MansiJagtap
Association of otolith function and quality of life in individuals with prediabetics and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Ms.VaishnaviHemantGajaria Dr. ShardaSarda
Awareness of Speech and Language Milestones in Pregnant Women and New Mothers Ms.VedantiArvindPatil Dr. AartiWaknis
Parent child interaction and literacy exposure at home in children at risk of reading deficits Ms.SamhitaSwaminathan Dr. Namita Joshi
Effect of tinnitus on cognitive performance Ms.Harleen Kaur Dr. ShardaSarda
Auditory comprehension abilities of Marathi speaking individuals with Traumatic Brain injury Ms. JuileeNaik Dr. MedhaKarbhari- Adhyaru/ Mrs. ShwetaMundada
Cognition and swallowing in persons with mild and moderate dementia-A Preliminary Study Ms.P. Shalini S. Narayanan Ms. SonalChitnis
Acoustic and perceptual characteristics of voice following dopamine medication in person with Parkinson's disease Ms.MaitreyeeMilind Kulkarni Mrs. MansiJagtap
Quality of Life of individuals with dysphagia secondary to Parkinson's disease. Ms. Prashansha Chauhan Mrs. Rohini Chand Mall
Quality of life in individuals with dysarthria secondary to Parkinson's Disease and secondary to stroke Ms.Aishwarya More Mrs. Rohini Chand Mall
Analyzing rhythm in Marathi speaking individuals with dysarthria Ms.ShamangiKshitishNakhare Mrs. Rohini Chand Mall
Comparison of syntax among Marathi speaking children with cochlear implants and hearing aids Mr.RatanJadhav PRN Dr.MedhaKarbhariAdhyaru
Mr. PiyushSone
Quality of life related changes in children with cochlear implants and their families Mr.Nikhil Anil Agrawal Mrs. PrajaktaNalat
Development of an Auditory Learning Manual in Marathi for children with Hearing impairment Ms. Aishwarya Ashok Malu Dr. C. S. Vanaja
Mrs. Shweta Deshpande
Pragmatic ability of children with severe to profound hearing loss Ms.Hemangi Ashok Vaidya Dr.AartiWaknis
Development of tool to assess cognitive linguistic abilities in Marathi speaking individuals Ms.HeminaDawar Ms. SonalChitnis
Semantic association skills in individuals with stroke Ms.Audrey Alex Dsouza Ms. SonalChitnis
Development of phonological awareness in Marathi in typically developing children with mother tongue Marathi attending English medium & Marathi medium schools. Ms.MrunmayiMilindMeshramkar Dr.AartiWaknis

Dissertation Research 2018

Dissertation Research 2018

Topic Student Guide / Co-guide
A comparative study of Auditory Comprehension Abilities of Marathi Speaking Typically Developing Children and Children with Learning Disability Chougule Rushikesh Mallinath Dr. Medha Karbhari Adhyaru
Mrs. Mansi jagtap
Reliability of perceptual assessments of hypernasality due to cleft lip and palate D.V.S.Ektha Mrs. Aarti Waknis
Effect of stimulus frequencies on air conducted ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential in typically developing children Talari Srisailam Mrs. PrajktaNalat
Mrs. Shweta Mundada
Effect of Age and Gender on sequential swallow in liquids Dhoni Namrata Krishna Mrs. Mansi Jagtap
Subjective and Objective verification of Frequency Compression Technology in individuals with Sensorineural Hearing Loss Darakh Saurabh Shrikant Dr. Sharda Sarda
Development of Speech in Noise Test in Marathi for children between 3-6 years. Anjusha M Dr. Sharda Sarda
Association between cortical auditory evoked potentials and auditory skills in children using cochlear implant Shantanu Sunil Saundankar Dr.C.S.Vanaja
Development of English language in Marathi speaking children attending English medium schools (Senior Kindergarten & Grade I). Kottapurathu Merin Jose Mrs. Aarti Waknis
Comparative study of Oral Skills between Preterm Children and Typically Developing Children Shruti Kumari Ms. Sonal Chitnis
Cognition and speech understanding in older Adults with Hearing Loss Hely Nimish Shah Dr.C.S.Vanaja
Vocal problem and vocal awareness in trainee teachers Ruchi Gokuldas Mundhada Dr.Namita Joshi
Comparison of early prelingual auditory skills in typically developing children and children using cochlear implant Hemlata Jaiswara Mrs. PrajktaNalat
Information Processing Skills in Healthy Aging Individuals Priyanka Dubey Ms. Sonal Chitnis
Development of Pragmatics of Typically Developing Marathi Speaking Children (4 to7 Years) Deshpande Gauri Satyavijay Mrs. Aarti Waknis
N3 Potentials and cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in children using cochlear Implants Lamina S Mrs. Prajkta Nalat
Time Compressed Speech Test in Hindi Betsy Eapen Mrs. Varenya Kaushik
Exploring Semantic Skills in Individuals with Epilepsy Jain Kinjal Dilip Ms. Sonal Chitnis
Effect of vocal loading on voice characteristics of individuals with and without Dysphonia Feba Koshy Dr. Namita Joshi
Usefulness of Vestibular Screening test in Children with Hearing Impairment Bhagat Hitesh Jitendra Mrs. Prajkta Nalat
Association of Client- Centered Questionnaire with SNR 50 in individuals with Hearing Loss Surbhi Trivedi Dr. Sharda Sarda
Oromotor and swallowing skills following stroke Ann Rittu Kurian Mrs. Mansi Jagtap
Social Communication Abilities of Individuals with Epilepsy Ankit Arora Mrs. Medha Karbhari Adhyaru
Ms. Sonal chitins
Development of High Frequency Speech Identification Test in Arabic Language Fatima Mustafa Anwar Mrs. Varenya Kaushik
Acoustic, spectral and cepstral analysis of voice of individuals trained in vedic chants Konar Thamaraiselvi Muthu Krishnan Dr. Namita Joshi
Reading Comprehension ability of Marathi speaking Typically developing children and children with reading difficulties Jadhav Akshata Vijay Dr. Medha Karbhari Adhyaru
Ms. Shweta Mundada

Dissertation Research 2017

Dissertation Research 2017

Topic Student Guide / Co-guide
Speech perception in children using bimodal fitting versus children using cochlear implant alone Prakash Bhardwaj Mrs. Sharda Sarda
Association of Visual Perceptual skills and Pre-Reading Skills in Typically Developing Hindi Speaking Children Between 3-6 Years Bhargavi Raman Mrs. Namita Joshi
Exploring executive functions in neurologically and cognitively healthy individuals versus individuals with stroke: A preliminary study Christina Susan Samuel Mrs. Sonal Chitnis
Effect of Advancing Age on Dichotic Listening To Words in Adults with Normal Hearing Sensitivity Kulkarni Madhura Ashok Mrs. Varenya Kaushik
Effect of years of Experience on Speaking Voice of Professional Voice Users Kulkarni Suchita Sharad Mrs. Namita Joshi
Auditory and Communication skills in Marathi Speaking children with cochlear implants Momin Zeba Kamil Mrs. Prajakta Nalat
Reading Skills in Typically Developing Marathi Speaking Children Between 6 to 9 Years Mutha Kajol Dinesh Mrs. Namita Joshi
Phonemic Awareness in English in Typically Developing Marathi Speaking children attending English Medium Schools Nellangara Neha Jose Mrs. Aarti Waknis
Verbal Fluency and Verbal Diadochokinesis Measures as an important cognitive markers in Individuals with Stroke –An Exploratory Study Nidhiya Babu Mrs. Sonal Chitnis
Effect of Dysarthria in Limiting and Restricting Individual’s Functioning in Life :Self Perception and SLP’S Perception Prathiksha Vaidhyanathan Mrs. Rohini Chand Mal
Gestural Comprehension in Aphasia-An Explorative Study RevithaThankom George Dr. Medha Karbhari Adhyaru
Auditory Perceptual Ratings of Speech Intelligibility of Dysarthria Speakers by Non SLP’S, Trainee SLP’S, and exp SLP’S, Saneer khan R M Mrs. Rohini Chand Mal
Effect of Time Compressed speech on Speech Recognition in Adults Sasanka Sekhar Pani Mrs. Varenya Kaushik
Air and Bone conducted Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials in Individuals with Giddiness Sophi Sam Mrs. Prajakta Nalat
Cognitive Abilities and Benefit of Noise Reduction Technology in Hearing Aid Users Thokala Dhatri Gangadhararao Mrs. Sharda Sarda

Dissertation Research 2016

Dissertation Research 2016

Topic Student Guide / Co-guide
An Investigation of Auditory Comprehension Deficits Among Individuals with Neurological Degenerative Disorders Apala Gupta Dr. Medha Karbhari Adhyaru
Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential induce by Air and Bone conducted stimuli Arun Kumar c Mrs. Prajakta Nalat
Dichotic Rhyme Test In Marathi Gaikwad Meeta Mrs. Varenya Kaushik
Effectiveness of Communication Abilities of Individuals with Aphasia –A preliminary study in the Indian context Gandrajupalli swetha Dr. Medha Karbhari Adhyaru
Pragmatic Development of Children with Cleft Lip and Palate from 1 to 4 years Maheshwari Deepali Ashok Mrs. Aarti Waknis
Development of Language Test in Marathi for Children between 7 to 12 Years Bhagyashree Abhijeet Salunkhe Mrs. Namita Joshi
Development of Bedside Screening Test for Individuals with Dysphagia Phalke Akanksha Arvind Mrs. Rohini Chand Mal
Sentence Recognition In Noise In Native and Non-Native Marathi Speaking Adults Yasha Balakrishna Shetty Mrs. Varenya Kaushik
Effect of Epley’s manuver on Quality of life in individuals with Benign Paroxysmal positional Vertigo Ankit Mrs. Prajakta Nalat
Modified Romberg Test in Persons with and without Vestibular Dysfunction Patil Amit Purushotam Mrs. Sharda Sarda
Speaking rate and Articulation rate of Marathi speaking typically developing children and in children with cleft lip and palate Deshmukh Tanvi Manoj Mrs. Aarti Waknis
Phonological Awareness and Early Reading Skills in English in typically Developing Marathi Speaking Children Parihar Halley Dhala Ram Mrs. Aarti Waknis

Dissertation Research 2015

Dissertation Research 2015

Topic Student Guide / Co-guide
Usefulness of Fukuda and Head Impulse Test in identifying the patients with vestibular dysfunction Neha Jain Mrs. Prajkta Nalat
Assessment of Auditory Comprehension Skills of Marathi Speaking School Going Children Chitnis Aakanksha Dr. Medha Karbhari
Pragmatic abilities of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the age range of 2-6 Years Gejji Anisha Vivek Mrs. Aarti Waknis
A Follow -up study of Dysphagia Recovery in Individuals with stroke. Khade Trupti Mrs.Rohini Chand Mall
Development of Auditory Comprehension Test in Marathi Language for individuals with Aphasia Kothari Kiyomi Dr.Medha Karbhari
Curriculum Based Language Skills in Hindi for Students Between 12 to 16 Years of Age Sharma Nidhi Mrs. Namita Joshi
Pre Reading Skills in Hindi Speaking Children Between 3 to 6 Years Sood Nilanshu Mrs. Namita Joshi
Association between Acceptable Noise Level and Self-reported hearing aid benefit Jayaram Priyanka Mrs. Prajakta Nalat
Relationship between Speech Intelligibility and Acoustic Parameters of Speech in Individuals with Dysarthria Post Stroke Sharon Mary Oommen Mrs. Rohini Chand Mall
Quality of Life in persons with Tinnitus Arushi Kapoor Mrs. Sharda Sarda
Cortical Auditory Evoked Potentials and Acceptance Noise level in Hearing Aid Users Mangaonkar Gauri Pradip Mrs. Sharda Sarda

Dissertation Research 2014

Dissertation Research 2014

Topic Student Guide / Co-guide
Amplitude of ASSR and Loudness Growth Function in persons with normal hearing and those with sensorineural hearing loss Amrita Bhandarkar Dr.C.S.Vanaja
An Effect of Directional Microphone on SNR-50 Anil Kumar Yadav Mrs.Sharda Sarda
Effect of Aging on Acoustic Characteristics of Speech in Healthy individuals Ayesha Massey Mrs.Rohini Chand Mall
Perception of high frequency marathi words in noise Bedke Dhanaji Jagannath Dr. C.S. Vanaja
SNR-50 and ANL with and without hearing aid in individuals with sensorineural hearing loss Harish Shinde Dr.C.S.Vanaja
Development of client centered questionnaire in Marathi for reporting hearing aid benefit Jayvardhan Singh Dr.C.S.Vanaja
Development of test of articulation in sentence form in Marathi Marathe Kiran Eknath Mrs.Namita Joshi
Exploring language abilities and oro motor abilities in children with stuttering (CWS) and children with no stuttering (CWNS) Neha Tiwari Mrs.Namita Joshi
Language Development and speech rate in Gujarati speaking children (3-7years). Shah Vidhiben Sunilkumar Mrs.Aarti Waknis
Evaluation of hearing aid benefit using speech ABR and Speech CAEPS Swati Chandel Dr. C.S. Vanaja
Quality of life in Individuals with Dysphagia Shreya Kothari Mrs.Rohini Chand Mall
Phonological Awareness in English in typically developing children with mother tongue Marathi Tabitha Virginia Chintala Mrs.Aarti Waknis
Pragmatic Development of Typically Developing Children from birth to four years. Thakur Zohaa Salim Mrs.Aarti Waknis
Association of c VEMP and Caloric test with quality of life in individuals with dizziness Tishya Joshi Ms. Sharada Sarda
Effect of age and Gender on cognitive Linguistics abilities in Typical Marathi speaking individuals Yumlembam Pushparani Devi Mrs.Namita Joshi
Otolith Functioning in Individuals with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 with and without Polyneuropathy Nuha Ghiyas Mrs.Sharda Sarda

Dissertation Research 2013

Dissertation Research 2013

Topic Student Guide / Co-guide
A comparative investigation of the speech associated attitude of preschool and kindergarten children who do and do not stutter. Bharmal Alifia Kutub Mrs. Maya Sanghi
Effect of age on caloric test, gaze test and vestibular evoked myogenic potential Bhat Swati Dilip Mrs. Sharda Sarda
Language development of children with cleft palate with/ without cleft lip from 3 to 7 years Chaudhari Sneha Deepak Mrs. Aarti Waknis
Development of an acceptable noise level test for Marathi speaking adults with hearing impairment Chavan Supriya Madhavrao Mrs. Sharda Sarda
Effect of age and gender on nasalance of typically developing Marathi speaking children. Sunny Chintu Mrs. Aarti Waknis
Development of Tinnitus Reaction Index Christy Martin Mrs. Sharda Sarda
Assessment of impact of stuttering on quality of life of individuals with stuttering Garima Dixit Mrs. Namita Joshi
Language development of children with preterm birth Gupta Namrata Rajesh Mrs. Aarti Waknis
Auditory brainstem and cortical evoked responses in individuals with stuttering Hanna Nelson Mrs. Geeta Gore
Age effect on SNR-50 in individuals with normal hearing sensitivity Karulkar Rasika Rajiv Mrs. Geeta Gore
Perceptual and instrumental analysis of voice of children with cleft palate with/ without cleft lip Kulkarni Sneha Prakash Mrs. Aarti Waknis
Effect of training on listener’s perception of speech of individuals with dysarthria Kurdukar Madhura Dhundiraj Mrs. Rohini Chand Mall
Comparison of the effectiveness of two methods of vocal hygiene program: a preliminary study. Mehta Urvi Arvindbhai Mrs. Maya Sanghi
Test retest reliability of real ear insertion gain in open canal hearing aid designed for individuals with hearing Impairment Nihar Pradhan Mrs. Sharda Sarda
Communication related quality of life in individuals with dysarthria- development of a questionnaire. Panicker Rachana Sasidhar Mrs. Rohini Chand Mall
Association of caloric, cVEMP and oVEMP in individuals with peripheral vestibular pathology Malik Parul Mrs. Sharda Sarda
Acoustical and perceptual evaluation of voice of vocal professionals Pathan Sana Zeb Mushir Mrs. Namita Joshi
Effect of exponential amplitude modulation on auditory steady state responses for stimuli with mixed modulation: a preliminary investigation on individuals with sensorineural hearing loss. Patil Sunil Pandurang Dr. C.S.Vanaja
Effect of age and gender on voice in 4 to 18 year old typically developing individuals Rawal Sonakshi Rajesh Mrs. Namita Joshi
Speech perception in noise and contralateral suppression of otoacoustic emissions in children Sruthi S.G Dr. C.S.Vanaja
Analysis of rate in individuals with dysarthria associated with Parkinson's Disease. Yukti Ajwani Mrs. Rohini Chand Mall

Dissertation Research 2012

Dissertation Research 2012

Topic Student Guide / Co-guide
Multi component tympanometry in children with cleft palate. Anu Raj Dr. C.S. Vanaja
Dysfluencies in typical Hindi speaking children in the age group of 2 ½ -4 ½ years. Arpita Masih Mrs. Maya Sanghi
Assessment of speech intelligibility across various speech task in individuals with Dysarthria. Chithra Kiran M. S Mrs. Rohini Chand Mall
Acoustics analysis of segmental features in individuals with dysarthria associated with Parkinson’s disease. Della Maria Jimmy Mrs. Rohini Chand Mall
Development of language in children with mother tongue Marathi in the age range of 9-36 months. Dharmapal Dongol. Mrs. Aarti Waknis
High frequency tympanometry and acoustic reflexes in neonates and infants with normal hearing. Dipti Gupta Dr. C.S. Vanaja
Acoustic & perceptual analysis of stress in individuals with dysarthria associated with Parkinson’s disease. Gayathri Menon Mrs. Rohini Chand Mall
Perceptual and instrumental analysis of hyper nasality in individuals with repaired cleft lip and/or palate. Heena Seth Mrs. Aarti Waknis
Comparison of scores of locus of control behavior scale in typical individuals and individuals with stuttering. Sachin Kumbhar Mrs. Maya Sanghi
Development of early speech perception test for Marathi speaking children with hearing impairment. Kuruvilla Mathew Mrs. Sharda Sarda
Singer’s formant in Hindustani classical singers-A preliminary study. Manna Ann Raju Mrs. Namita Joshi
Correlation between clinician’s perception & client perception of dysphonia. Nidhin Kurian Mrs. Namita Joshi
Efficacy of speech evoked cortical auditory evoked potential (CAEP) in hearing aid verification. Nimisha Khandelwal Dr. C.S. Vanaja
The effect of listening environment and earphone style on preferred listening levels in normal hearing adults using mobile phone. Mahendra Sarsambe Mrs. Namita Joshi
Effect of age on speech evoked brainstem response. Suraj B. Mrs. Geeta Gore
Dizziness handicap, caloric test and VEMP in persons with dizziness: A preliminary report. Swarup Mishra Dr. C.S. Vanaja
A screening tool for identification of children with learning difficulty. Swathy Ann Alexander Mrs. Namita Joshi
Effect of age on cervical and ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials. Aneesha Wachasundar Mrs. Geeta Gore
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