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Audiology and Speech Language Pathology

Published Articles/ Books

International Journals

International Journals:


  1. Sone, P., Kale, A., Mohan, M. (2021). Exploring assessment of spoken language processing in spoken language processing disorder. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, 7(5), 536-539.
  2. Vaidya, H., Waknis, A.P., Deshpande, S. (2021). Pragmatic abilities of children with severe to profound hearing loss. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, 7(5), 736-745.
  3. Sone, P., Jadhav, R., & Adhyaru, M.K. (2021). Syntactic abilities among Marathi speaking children with hearing impairment using cochlear implant. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, 7(5), 731-735.
  4. Gupta, D., & Vanaja, C.S. (2021). Effect of age on acoustic reflex thresholds in neonates and infants with normal hearing. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, 7(5), 746-750.
  5. Dhamija, R. K., Srivastava, A., Chauhan, S., Shah, U., Nagda, T., Palande, D., Chitnis, S.,…. & Surya, N. (2021). Consensus statement on neurorehabilitation during COVID-19 times: Expert group on behalf of the Indian Federation of Neurorehabilitation (IFNR). Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, 24(2), 138.
  6. Pathak, D.R., & Deshpande, S. (2021). Awareness of newborn hearing screening in pediatricians and gynaecologists in Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, 7(6).
  7. Bantwal, A. R., Deshpande, R., Indurkar, R., Bhatnagar, S., Wadhera, M., Sridhara, A., ..., Deshpande, S., & Mandke, K. (2021). A study of self-perception and communication success as perceived by adolescents with cochlear implants and their significant others. Cochlear implants international, 1-13.
  8. Phatak, P., Shaikh, S., Jamdhade, N., & Sovani Kelkar, P. (2021). Do Voice-Over Artists Convey Emotion Better Than Untrained Voice Users? Voice and Speech Review, 1-15.


  1. Vanaja, C. S., & Abigail, M. S. (2020). Misophonia: An Evidence-Based Case Report. American Journal of Audiology, 29(4), 685-690.
  2. Neupane, A. K., & Mehta, G. (2020). Epidemiological study on pediatric unilateral cochlear implantation in Gujarat, India: Discrepancy among children based on age of implantation, gender, region and type of implant device as per manufacturers. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health, 8(3), 744-747.
  3. Belsare, G., Sarda, S., Bhardwaj, P., & Belsare, S. (2020). Comparison of Speech Perception Abilities of Children using Bimodal Hearing with Children using Cochlear Implant Alone. Annals of Otology and Neurotology, 3(2): 72-76.
  4. Neupane, A. K., Sinha, S. K., & Gururaj, K. (2020). Encoding of a binaural speech stimulus at the brainstem level in middle-aged adults. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 134(12), 1044-1051.
  5. Mehta, G., Neupane, A. K., Mistri, A., Joshi, H., & Shah, N. (2020). Comparative Study on Method of Threshold Estimation: Distortion Product Threshold Test versus Pure Tone Threshold Test. Annals of Otology and Neurotology, 3(2): 077-081.
  6. Kelkar, P., & Vaidyanathan, P. (2020). Awareness building and destigmatization of stuttering in India: Baby steps. Proceedings of the Joint World Congress on Fluency Disorders, Hiroshima, Japan.
  7. Kelkar, P. (2020). Coping with stuttering using Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: Updates from India. Proceedings of the Joint World Congress on Fluency Disorders, Hiroshima, Japan.


  1. Reichel, I., Ademola-Sakoya, G., Aumont Boucand, V., Bona, J., Carmona, J., Cosyns, M., Filatova, Y., Haj-Tas, M., Kelkar, P., Remman R., Miyamoto, S., Ozdemir, S., Sanghi, M., Schnell, A., Touzet, B.B., & Yang, S. L. (2019). A Decade of Collaboration Among International Representatives of the International Cluttering Association. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 4(6), 1573-1580.


  1. Mansi Jagtap, Assistant Professor At SASLP And Mansi Sheth (Intern), Dysphagia Following Total Laryngectormy: A Myth Or A Reality? How Can We Help, International Journal Of Otorhinolaryngology And Head And Neck Surgery
  2. Mansi Jagtap, Assistant Professor At SASLP And ShlokShrivastava (Intern), Management Of Dysphagia Following Radiation Therapy And Tracheostomy, International Journal Of Otorhinolaryngology And Head And Neck Surgery
  3. Vidya Ramkumar, S. Vanaja, James W. Hall, K. Selvakumar&Roopa
    Nagarajan, Validation Of DPOAE Screening Conducted By Village Health Workers In A Rural Community With Real – Time Click Evoked Tele-Auditory Breainstem Response, International Journal Of Audiology
  4. Vidya Ramkumar, K. R. John, K. Selvakumar, S. Vanaja, RoopaNagarajan&
    James W. Hall, Cost And Outcome Of A Community-Based
    Paediatric Hearing Screening Programme In Rural
    India With Application Of Tele-Audiology For Followup
    Diagnostic Hearing Assessment, International Journal Of Audiology
  5. PiyushSoneand SVanaja, Development of Auditory memory and sequencing test for Marathi speaking children, International Journal of Health Sciences and Research.
  6. PiyushSoneand SVanaja, Association between Auditory Memory and Performance on Dichotic Digit test, Online Journal of Health and allied sciences.
  7. Vidya Ramkumar, Roopa Nagarajan, Vanaja C.S., Shankarnarayan, Selvakumar Kumaravelu and James W. Hall, Implementation and evaluation of a rural community-based pediatric hearing screening program integrating in-person and tele-diagnostic auditory brainstem response (ABR), BMC Health Services Research.
  8. Jagtap, M. A., & Sheth, M. B. (2018). Dysphagia following total laryngectomy: a myth or a reality? How can we help? International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 4(1), 308.
  9. Jagtap, M. A., & Shrivastava, S. (2018). Management of dysphagia following radiation therapy and tracheostomy. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 4(1), 260.
  10. Ramkumar, V., Vanaja, C. S., Hall, J. W., Selvakumar, K., & Nagarajan, R. (2018). Validation of DPOAE screening conducted by village health workers in a rural community with real-time click evoked tele-auditory brainstem response. International Journal of Audiology, 57(5), 370-375.
  11. Ramkumar, V., John, K. R., Selvakumar, K., Vanaja, C. S., Nagarajan, R., & Hall, J. W. (2018). Cost and outcome of a community-based paediatric hearing screening programme in rural India with application of tele-audiology for follow-up diagnostic hearing assessment. International Journal of Audiology, 57(6), 407-414.
  12. Sone, P., & Vanaja, C. S. (2018). Development of Auditory Memory and Sequencing Test for Marathi Speaking Children. Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences, 17(1), 11.
  13. Sone, P., & Vanaja, C.S. (2018). Association between Auditory Memory and Performance on Dichotic Digit Test. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 8(11), 209-16.
  14. Ramkumar, V., Nagarajan, R., Vanaja, C.S., Kumaravelu, S., & Hall, J. W. (2019). Implementation and evaluation of a rural community-based pediatric hearing screening program integrating in-person and tele-diagnostic auditory brainstem response (ABR). BMC health services research, 19(1), 1-12.


  1. Rohinichand Mall and Vanaja C.S., Speech profile of individuals with dysarthria following first ever stroke, International Journal of Medical Research and Health Sciences.
  2. Waknis, A., Karulkar, R., Limaye, M., & Vanaja, C. S. (2017). Language development of children with cleft lip and palate, International Journal of Recent Research &Applied Studies, 4(3).
  3. Waknis, A., & Vanaja, C. S. (2017). Development of phonological awareness in English in Marathi speaking children (5 to 7 years), International Journal of English & Education, 6(2).
  4. Waknis, A., & Vanaja, C. S. (2017). Relation between phonological awareness and reading in Marathi. International Journal of English & Education, 6(3).
  5. Chand-Mall, R., & Vanaja, C. S. (2017). Speech profile of individuals with dysarthria following first ever stroke. International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 6(9), 86-95.


  1. Sharda Sarda and C.S Vanaja, Correlating two questionnaires: Vestibular activities and participation (VAP) and Dizziness handicap inventory (DHI), Journal of Hearing Science,Vol.5, Issue no.4.
  2. Namita Amey Joshi and C.S. Vanaja, Checklist to screen Children with Reading Difficulty (CSRD) for Classroom Teachers, Languages in India, Vol.16, Issue no.1.
  3. Neha Tiwari, Namita Joshi, Kiran Marathe and Yumlembam Pushparanidevi, Oro-Motor Speech (OMS) and Total Language Score (TLS) in Children with Stuttering (CWS) and Children with No Stuttering (CWNS), Languages in India, Vol.16, Issue no.1.
  4. C.S.Vanaja and Khandelwal Nimisha, Cortical Auditory Evoked Potentials in Persons using Hearing Aids, ISRN Otolaryngology, Vol 2, Issue no.3.
  5. Ramkumar.V, Selvakumar, Vanaja C.S.,Hall JW, Nagarajan R and Neethi J, Parents Perceptions of tele-audiological testing in a rural hearing screening program in south India, International Journal of Peadiatric Otolaryngology, Vol 89.
  6. S. Vanaja (2016). Cortical Auditory Evoked Potentials: Evidence for use in Clinical Practice, Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 35, 1-8
  7. Gupta, Dipti and C.S. Vanaja (2016). High frequency Tympanometry findings in neonates and infants with normal hearing : A normative study, International Journal of Community Health and Medical Research, 2, 2-6
  8. Sarda, S. A., & Vanaja, C. S. (2015). Correlating two questionnaires: Vestibular Activities And Participation (VAP) And Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI). Journal of Hearing Science, 5(4), 33-40.
  9. Tiwari, M. N., Joshi, M. N., Marathe, M. K., & Pushparanidevi, M. Y. Oro-Motor Speech (OMS) and Total Language Score (TLS) in Children with Stuttering (CWS) and Children with No Stuttering (CWNS). Languages in India, 16(1).
  10. Vanaja, C. S., & Khandelwal, N. (2016). Cortical auditory evoked potentials in persons using hearing aids. Otolaryngology Open Journal, 2(3), 80-86.
  11. Ramkumar, V., Selvakumar, K., Vanaja, C. S., Hall, J. W., Nagarajan, R., & Neethi, J. (2016). Parents' perceptions of tele-audiological testing in a rural hearing screening program in South India. International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology, 89, 60-66.
  12. Vanaja, C. S. (2016). Cortical Auditory Evoked Potentials: Evidence for use in Clinical Practice. Journal of the All India Institute of Speech & Hearing, 35, 1-8.
  13. Gupta, D., & Vanaja, C.S. (2016). High frequency Tympanometry findings in neonates and infants with normal hearing : A normative study, International Journal of Community Health and Medical Research, 2, 2-6


  1. Asha Yathiraj and C.S. Vanaja, Age Related Changes in Auditory Processes in Children aged 6 to 10 years, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Vol 79, Issue no.8.
  2. Ms.Sneha Ambekar ,Namita Joshi and Nikita Kirane, Acoustic Analysis of Voice of Individuals with Different Prakurti, International Ayurvedic Medical Journal,Vol.3, Issue no.5.
  3. Nilanshu Sood,Namita Joshi and Nidhi Sharma, Pre-reading Skills in Hindi Speaking Children between 3 to 6 Years, Language in India, Vol 15, Issue no.8.
  4. Mrs. Namita Joshi, Nidhi Sharma and Nilanshu Sood, Curriculum-based Language Skills in Hindi for Students between 12 to 15 Years of Age, Language in India, Vol 15, Issue no.8.
  5. Yathiraj, A., & Vanaja, C. S. (2015). Age related changes in auditory processes in children aged 6 to 10 years. International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology, 79(8), 1224-1234.
  6. Ambekar S., Joshi, N., & Kirane, N. (2015). Acoustic Analysis of Voice of Individuals with Different Prakurti. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, 3(5).


  1. Namita Joshi and Bhushan Jirgale ,Acoustical and perceptual analysis of voice projection in Marathi speaking actors, Journal of Laryngology and Voice, Vol 3,Issue:2
  2. Joshi, A. N., & Jirgale, S. B. (2013). Acoustical and perceptual analysis of voice projection in Marathi speaking actors. Journal of Laryngology and Voice, 3(2), 41.


  1. Vidya Ramkumar, James Hall, Roopa Nagarajan, C.S Vanaja and Selvakumar kumarvelu ,Tele - ABR using a satellite connection in a mobile van for new - born hearing testing, Journal of telemedicine and tele –care,Vol 19,Issue:5
  2. Ramkumar, V., Hall, J. W., Nagarajan, R., Vanaja, C.S., & Kumaravelu, S. (2013). Tele-ABR using a satellite connection in a mobile van for newborn hearing testing. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 19(5), 233-237.


  1. Vijay Kumar Narne and C.S Vanaja Speech Identification with temporal and spectral modifications in subjects with Auditory Neuropathy, ISRN Otolaryngology, Vol 2012.
  2. Narne, V.K., & Vanaja, C. S. (2012). Speech Identification with Temporal and Spectral Modification in Subjects with Auditory Neuropathy. International Scholarly Research Notices, 2012.

National Journals

National Journals


  1. Deosthalee, A.G., & Waknis, A. (2020) Development of Checklist for Assessment of Pragmatics in Preschoolers, Language in India, 20(7).


  1. Mrudul Raut and S.Vanaja, Efficacy of Multicomponent Tympanometry in Identifying Middle Ear Disorder, Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery.
  2. Apoorva Pauranik, Annamma George , Aparna Sahu, Ashima Nehra,, Avanthi Paplikar, Chitralekha Bhat,, Gopee Krishnan, Harsimar Kaur,Jitendrasaini, P. A. Suresh, Pawan Ojha, Pinky Singh, PratapSancheti, PrathibhaKaranth, P. S. Mathuranath, Satyapal Goswami, Sonal Chitnis, Sundar, Suvarna Alladi, Yasmeen Faroqi-Shah, Expert group meeting on aphasia: A report, Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology
  3. Mansi Jagtap and Mansi Karnad, Swallowing Skills and Aspiration Risk Following Treatment of Headand Neck Cancers, Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology.
  4. Vanaja, C. S., & Sarda, S. (2019). P300 as a measure of auditory memory in cochlear implant recipients: A preliminary report. Indian Journal of Otology, 25(2), 103.
  5. Patil, A., & Sarda, S. A. (2019). Usefulness of modified Romberg test in screening persons with vestibular dysfunction. Indian Journal of Otology, 25(2), 66.
  6. Raut, M., & Vanaja, C. S. (2019). Efficacy of Multicomponent Tympanometry in Identifying Middle Ear Disorder. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 71(2), 1485-1489.
  7. Pauranik, A., George, A., Sahu, A., Nehra, A., Paplikar, A., Bhat, C., Krishnan, G., Saini, J., Suresh, P.A., Ojha, P., Singh, P., Sancheti, P., Karanth, P., Mathuranath, P.S., Goswami, S.P., Chitnis, S., Alladi, S., Faroqi-Shah, Y., & Kaur, H. (2019). Expert group meeting on aphasia: A report. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, 22(2), 137.
  8. Jagtap, M., & Karnad, M. (2019). Swallowing Skills and Aspiration Risk Following Treatment of Head and Neck Cancers. Indian journal of surgical oncology, 10(2), 402-405.


  1. Tak Seth Raunak Henna, Waknis Pushkar Aarti and Kulkarni Prakash Sneha, Perceptual and instrumental analysis of hypernasality in children with repaired cleft palate, Journal of Cleft Lip palate and Craniofacial Anamolies, Vol 3, Issue no.2.
  2. Vanaja.C.S and Patil Sunil, ASSR for Mixed Modulation using Exponential Amplitude Modulation in Persons with Hearing loss, Journal of Communication Disorders.
  3. Vanaja C.S., Cortical auditory evoked potentials: evidence for use in clinical practice, JAIISH
  4. Tak, H. R. S., Waknis, A. P., & Kulkarni, S. P. (2016). Perceptual and instrumental analysis of hypernasality in children with repaired cleft palate. Journal of Cleft Lip Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies, 3(2), 67.
  5. Joshi, N. A. (2016). Checklist to Screen Children with Reading Difficulty (CSRD) for Classroom Teachers. Language in India, 16(1).
  6. Vanaja, C.S., & Patil, S. (2016). ASSR for Mixed Modulation using Exponential Amplitude Modulation in Persons with Hearing loss, AYJNIHH-Journal of Communication Disorders, 1(1), 34-40.
  7. Vanaja, C. S. (2016). Cortical Auditory Evoked Potentials: Evidence for use in Clinical Practice. Journal of the All India Institute of Speech & Hearing, 35.


  1. Martin Christy & Sarda Sharda, Tinnitus reaction index: A measure to assess quality of life in individuals with tinnitus, Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing
  2. Kothari Shreya & Chand Mall Rohini, Assessment of quality of life in individuals with dysphagia: A questionnaire in Marathi, Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing.
  3. Martin, C., & Sarda, S. A. (2014). Tinnitus reaction index: A Measure to assess quality of life in individuals with tinnitus. Journal of the All India Institute of Speech & Hearing, 33.
  4. Kothari, S., & Chand-Mall, R. (2014). Assessment of quality of life in individuals with dysphagia: a questionnaire in Marathi. Journal of the All India Institute of Speech & Hearing, 33.
  5. Sood, N., Joshi, N. A., & Sharma, N. (2015). Pre-reading Skills in Hindi Speaking Children between 3 to 6 Years. Language in India, 15(8).
  6. Sharma, N., Joshi, N.A., & Sood, N. (2015). Curriculum-based language skills in Hindi for Students between 12 to 15 years of age. Language in India, 15(8), 146-167.


  1. Sarda Sharda, Bhat Swati, Vanaja.C.S , Variation in the gaze, caloric test and vestibular-evoked myogenic potential with advancing age, Indian Journal of Otology.
  2. Sarda, S., Bhat, S., & Vanaja, C. S. (2014). Variation in the gaze, caloric test and vestibular-evoked myogenic potential with advancing age. Indian Journal of Otology, 20(1), 4.


  1. Singh Kumar Niraj, Sarda Sharada , Sinha Sachidanand, Shivajirao Tamsekar Sulochana, Test retest reliability of ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials, Journal of All India Institute of Speech & Hearing.
  2. Singh, N.k., Sarda, S., Sinha, S., & Sulochana, S.T. (2011). Test Retest Reliability Of Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials. Journal of the All India Institute of Speech & Hearing, 30.

Published Books:

  1. Mrs. Aarti Waknis, ‘Swamagrateche Mul Boltana’ in the book titled Autism, a publication of Deenanath Mageshkar Hospital and Research center, Pune, 2014.
  2. Dr. C. S. Vanaja, chapter titled “Hearing Impairment”, in the book titled Disability Status in India, 2012, RCI, India, published by T. D. dhariyal, Member Secretory Rehabilitation council of India, Dept. of Disability , 2012
  3. Waknis, A. (2015) Speech- language therapy for children with Autism spectrum Disorders. ‘Swamagnata’. Publication by Morris Autism Centre, Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital & Research Centre, Pune.
  4. Neupane, A.K., & Sinha, S. K. (2021) Clinical Application of Video Head Impulse Test. ‘Dizziness: Prevalence, Risk factors and Management’. Publication by Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Invited critique:

  1. Cleft Palate Speech in Short Notes in Plastic Surgery (online publication) by Dr. Ravin Thatte (Chapter 55, page 122).

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